Class SpeexFormatConvertionProvider

  extended byjavax.sound.sampled.spi.FormatConversionProvider
      extended byorg.xiph.speex.spi.SpeexFormatConvertionProvider

public class SpeexFormatConvertionProvider
extends javax.sound.sampled.spi.FormatConversionProvider

A format conversion provider provides format conversion services from one or more input formats to one or more output formats. Converters include codecs, which encode and/or decode audio data, as well as transcoders, etc. Format converters provide methods for determining what conversions are supported and for obtaining an audio stream from which converted data can be read. The source format represents the format of the incoming audio data, which will be converted. The target format represents the format of the processed, converted audio data. This is the format of the data that can be read from the stream returned by one of the getAudioInputStream methods.

$Revision: 1.6 $
Marc Gimpel, Wimba S.A. (

Field Summary
static javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding[] BOTH_ENCODINGS
static javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding[] NO_ENCODING
static javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[] NO_FORMAT
static javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding[] PCM_ENCODING
static javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding[] SPEEX_ENCODING
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream getAudioInputStream(javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding targetEncoding, javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream sourceStream)
          Obtains an audio input stream with the specified encoding from the given audio input stream.
 javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream getAudioInputStream(javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat targetFormat, javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream sourceStream)
          Obtains an audio input stream with the specified format from the given audio input stream.
 javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding[] getSourceEncodings()
          Obtains the set of source format encodings from which format conversion services are provided by this provider.
 javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding[] getTargetEncodings()
          Obtains the set of target format encodings to which format conversion services are provided by this provider.
 javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding[] getTargetEncodings(javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat sourceFormat)
          Obtains the set of target format encodings supported by the format converter given a particular source format.
 javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[] getTargetFormats(javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding targetEncoding, javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat sourceFormat)
          Obtains the set of target formats with the encoding specified supported by the format converter.
Methods inherited from class javax.sound.sampled.spi.FormatConversionProvider
isConversionSupported, isConversionSupported, isSourceEncodingSupported, isTargetEncodingSupported
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding[] NO_ENCODING


public static final javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding[] PCM_ENCODING


public static final javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding[] SPEEX_ENCODING


public static final javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding[] BOTH_ENCODINGS


public static final javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[] NO_FORMAT
Constructor Detail


public SpeexFormatConvertionProvider()
Method Detail


public javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding[] getSourceEncodings()
Obtains the set of source format encodings from which format conversion services are provided by this provider.

array of source format encodings. The array will always have a length of at least 1.


public javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding[] getTargetEncodings()
Obtains the set of target format encodings to which format conversion services are provided by this provider.

array of target format encodings. The array will always have a length of at least 1.


public javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding[] getTargetEncodings(javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat sourceFormat)
Obtains the set of target format encodings supported by the format converter given a particular source format. If no target format encodings are supported for this source format, an array of length 0 is returned.

sourceFormat - format of the incoming data.
array of supported target format encodings.


public javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat[] getTargetFormats(javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding targetEncoding,
                                                          javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat sourceFormat)
Obtains the set of target formats with the encoding specified supported by the format converter. If no target formats with the specified encoding are supported for this source format, an array of length 0 is returned.

targetEncoding - desired encoding of the outgoing data.
sourceFormat - format of the incoming data.
array of supported target formats.


public javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream getAudioInputStream(javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding targetEncoding,
                                                                javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream sourceStream)
Obtains an audio input stream with the specified encoding from the given audio input stream.

targetEncoding - - desired encoding of the stream after processing.
sourceStream - - stream from which data to be processed should be read.
stream from which processed data with the specified target encoding may be read.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - - if the format combination supplied is not supported.


public javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream getAudioInputStream(javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat targetFormat,
                                                                javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream sourceStream)
Obtains an audio input stream with the specified format from the given audio input stream.

targetFormat - - desired data format of the stream after processing.
sourceStream - - stream from which data to be processed should be read.
stream from which processed data with the specified format may be read.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - - if the format combination supplied is not supported.

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