Uses of Class

Packages that use Bits

Uses of Bits in org.xiph.speex

Fields in org.xiph.speex declared as Bits
private  Bits SpeexEncoder.bits
private  Bits SpeexDecoder.bits

Methods in org.xiph.speex with parameters of type Bits
static void Stereo.encode(Bits bits, float[] data, int frameSize)
          Transforms a stereo frame into a mono frame and stores intensity stereo info in 'bits'.
 void Stereo.init(Bits bits)
          Callback handler for intensity stereo info
 void SplitShapeSearch.quant(float[] target, float[] ak, float[] awk1, float[] awk2, int p, int nsf, float[] exc, int es, float[] r, Bits bits, int complexity)
          Codebook Search Quantification (Split Shape).
 void SplitShapeSearch.unquant(float[] exc, int es, int nsf, Bits bits)
          Codebook Search Unquantification (Split Shape).
 int SbEncoder.encode(Bits bits, float[] in)
          Encode the given input signal.
 int SbDecoder.decode(Bits bits, float[] out)
          Decode the given input bits.
 void NoiseSearch.quant(float[] target, float[] ak, float[] awk1, float[] awk2, int p, int nsf, float[] exc, int es, float[] r, Bits bits, int complexity)
          Codebook Search Quantification (Noise).
 void NoiseSearch.unquant(float[] exc, int es, int nsf, Bits bits)
          Codebook Search Unquantification (Noise).
 void NbLspQuant.quant(float[] lsp, float[] qlsp, int order, Bits bits)
          Line Spectral Pair Quantification (narrowband).
 void NbLspQuant.unquant(float[] lsp, int order, Bits bits)
          Line Spectral Pair Unquantification (narrowband).
 int NbEncoder.encode(Bits bits, float[] in)
          Encode the given input signal.
 int NbDecoder.decode(Bits bits, float[] out)
          Decode the given input bits.
 int LtpForcedPitch.quant(float[] target, float[] sw, int sws, float[] ak, float[] awk1, float[] awk2, float[] exc, int es, int start, int end, float pitch_coef, int p, int nsf, Bits bits, float[] exc2, int e2s, float[] r, int complexity)
          Long Term Prediction Quantification (Forced Pitch).
 int LtpForcedPitch.unquant(float[] exc, int es, int start, float pitch_coef, int nsf, float[] gain_val, Bits bits, int count_lost, int subframe_offset, float last_pitch_gain)
          Long Term Prediction Unquantification (Forced Pitch).
 int Ltp3Tap.quant(float[] target, float[] sw, int sws, float[] ak, float[] awk1, float[] awk2, float[] exc, int es, int start, int end, float pitch_coef, int p, int nsf, Bits bits, float[] exc2, int e2s, float[] r, int complexity)
          Long Term Prediction Quantification (3Tap).
 int Ltp3Tap.unquant(float[] exc, int es, int start, float pitch_coef, int nsf, float[] gain_val, Bits bits, int count_lost, int subframe_offset, float last_pitch_gain)
          Long Term Prediction Unquantification (3Tap).
private  float Ltp3Tap.pitch_gain_search_3tap(float[] target, float[] ak, float[] awk1, float[] awk2, float[] exc, int es, int pitch, int p, int nsf, Bits bits, float[] exc2, int e2s, float[] r, int[] cdbk_index)
          Finds the best quantized 3-tap pitch predictor by analysis by synthesis
abstract  int Ltp.quant(float[] target, float[] sw, int sws, float[] ak, float[] awk1, float[] awk2, float[] exc, int es, int start, int end, float pitch_coef, int p, int nsf, Bits bits, float[] exc2, int e2s, float[] r, int complexity)
          Long Term Prediction Quantification.
abstract  int Ltp.unquant(float[] exc, int es, int start, float pitch_coef, int nsf, float[] gain_val, Bits bits, int count_lost, int subframe_offset, float last_pitch_gain)
          Long Term Prediction Unquantification.
abstract  void LspQuant.quant(float[] lsp, float[] qlsp, int order, Bits bits)
          Line Spectral Pair Quantification.
abstract  void LspQuant.unquant(float[] lsp, int order, Bits bits)
          Line Spectral Pair Unquantification.
protected  void LspQuant.unpackPlus(float[] lsp, int[] tab, Bits bits, float k, int ti, int li)
          Read the next 6 bits from the buffer, and using the value read and the given codebook, rebuild LSP table.
 void LbrLspQuant.quant(float[] lsp, float[] qlsp, int order, Bits bits)
          Line Spectral Pair Quantification (Lbr).
 void LbrLspQuant.unquant(float[] lsp, int order, Bits bits)
          Line Spectral Pair Unquantification (Lbr).
 void Inband.speexInbandRequest(Bits bits)
          Speex in-band request (submode=14).
 void Inband.userInbandRequest(Bits bits)
          User in-band request (submode=13).
 void HighLspQuant.quant(float[] lsp, float[] qlsp, int order, Bits bits)
          Line Spectral Pair Quantification (high).
 void HighLspQuant.unquant(float[] lsp, int order, Bits bits)
          Line Spectral Pair Unquantification (high).
 int Encoder.encode(Bits bits, float[] in)
          Encode the given input signal.
 int Decoder.decode(Bits bits, float[] out)
          Decode the given input bits.
abstract  void CbSearch.quant(float[] target, float[] ak, float[] awk1, float[] awk2, int p, int nsf, float[] exc, int es, float[] r, Bits bits, int complexity)
          Codebook Search Quantification.
abstract  void CbSearch.unquant(float[] exc, int es, int nsf, Bits bits)
          Codebook Search Unquantification.

Uses of Bits in org.xiph.speex.spi

Fields in org.xiph.speex.spi declared as Bits
private  Bits Speex2PcmAudioInputStream.bits
          Speex bit packing and unpacking class.

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